Wednesday, January 15, 2020

ACTS Evangelism in Calamba


Nate and I were thrilled that evangelism for December was in Calamba! Our precious church people worked hard cleaning and preparing for the 26 students and the van drivers. 

We left Bagong Silang at 5:00 am and made it to Calamba by 9:00 am. The students had breakfast, then after a quick meeting we split into our groups and started evangelizing the city. 

This picture is a special moment and miracle for us and for Aubrey (on the left).  
She came to us a few weeks before and told us of her desire to be baptized. She is only 17 and needed the permission of her father, who is a devote catholic, and wasn't exactly for the idea. We told her that us and the church would be praying, and we did! 
During this evangelism in Calamba, we made it a point to visit her home and meet her father and the rest of her family. Nate gave them a quick Bible study about baptism, and we were ecstatic when he agreed that Aubrey could be baptized. Tears of joy came down her face as father gave his consent. What a happy day!

 We had a quick lunch break, then packed the vans and headed to our outstation in Kay-Anlog. 

We had a quick meeting with the groups, and as some headed out to evangelize and invite people to our 4:00 service, the others helped us round up some kids for a children's service. We had puppets, songs, a lesson, and even a candy rain!

 Look at all of those adorable faces! 

We had a powerful move of the Holy Ghost in our afternoon service. Bro. Timothy Estacio led the worship and my father in law preached. We were packed full in that place, but it was a day I will never forget. 

After evangelism and dinner, the young people had fellowship. They played games and had a grand time. I love these young people so much. They sure are incredible!

The evangelism groups went out early to collect the children they had invited to Sunday School. We started with a small amount, but they kept coming, and coming, and coming, until we had 113 children !! Amazing!!! 

 We had a candy rain! 

Bro. Mark Gideon led our service, and during worship, the power of God fell to the point where we had an almost 2 hour altar call. It was amazing! First 113 children show up, and then this. God sure blessed our evangelism that day!

 Bro. Jay-Ar's backslidden mother came to service and prayed, and also his brother. It was precious to watch him pray with them and weep as they were touched.

 Sis. Aubrey is so hungry! I can't wait until she is filled with the Holy Ghost!

 [The young men praying for Jay-Ar's brother]
After the altar call service started to die down, Nate had the ACTS Bible School sing their song that they had been practicing. They sang, "Lift Up the Name of Jesus"

 My father in law said a few words, sang with the help of my mother in law, then we took a bunch of photos with everyone. 😀

What an incredible day. God has been so good to us!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't comment here often, but I wanted to let you know that I read every post and am so excited to see what God is doing! 113 children and a 2 hour altar call - what a mighty God we serve! Praying for you all and wishing we were there.
