This Past Saturday we had our first evangelism weekend for the Acts Bible School.
Every few weeks we will be traveling to different churches around the Luzon area to help them with their outreach. It is an exciting weekend for each church as they will have 28 extra people to help them hand out flyers and tracks and to be a part of their church services.
On Saturday morning we met at 8:00, prayed, and then Nate handed out the tracks and explained the agenda for the day.
After the flyers were distributed to the different groups, each group took a section of homes around the church area and handed them out.
The kids are the cutest and they get so excited when they see Americans. Several of them started following us around as we helped the teams.
After we handed out several hundred flyers we met back at the church for lunch. Several of the teams testified about their experiences during outreach.
We were so excited to see what God had planned for service on Sunday.
Several of the teams still had flyers so we went out again after lunch and handed them out. We handed out around 500 total.
Nate and I enjoyed walking through the different streets and seeing how these people live. We hadn't gone very far on foot since we have been here, and especially around the church, so it was a fun day for us.
We were amazed at how many hundreds and hundreds of people live just on the streets around the church. There is so much potential. We are praying for God to draw them and lead them to church on Sunday.
In jesus name🙏